Let us help you reach your chiropractic goals
We would love to welcome you as a new patient and help you reach your health goals. Align Chiropractic and Wellness is ACC registered. We are able to see you without a medical referral for any spine or joint related personal injury, and we can help you with your recovery and rehabilitation and improved performance of the human system. We also work with G.P.’s, specialists, physiotherapists and other healthcare providers.
What can you expect
from your chiropractors?
First visit
35-40 minutes
We will invite you to fill out a health history questionnaire. Your chiropractor will then do a thorough consultation to understand your health concern(s). If you have previous imaging or blood tests, please bring these reports or films to the practice.
Next, we will do a thorough examination that may include part, or all of the following:
• Orthopaedic and neurological testing
• Spinal range of motion
• Infrared spinal thermography
• Chiropractic spinal examination.
Based on your history and examination, your chiropractor may take specific spinal x-rays (in the upright standing position).
Fee for initial consultation: $95. Fee for X-Ray examination: up to $150 (dependent on views taken).
For ACC patients
Initial Consultation $70. X-Rays $120
For Atlas Orthogonal X-Ray fees, please contact the clinic.
Your Chiropractor will explain the findings of the examinations and how we can help you. If x-rays have been taken, you will see exactly what is found in your spine.
We will give you your first spinal adjustment. We would usually recommend a 5-minute walk when you leave the practice, before you sit for an extended period (travel or work).
Fee for regular visit: $68. ACC patients $48. We also have reduced fees available for people who wish to pre-book and prepay a series of adjustment visits.
Second visit
15-20 minutes
Progress exam visit
Typically performed every 12th visit, or sooner if a person has a new injury or complaint. This visit includes performing all the positive functional, neurological and chiropractic tests performed in the initial consultation.
Patients are invited to complete a brief subjective questionnaire to review what improvements and changes they have noticed. X-ray films are also reviewed.
Fee for progress examination: $30 (plus $68 adjustment fee).
Once you have made an appointment (by phone or email),
we can begin gathering your necessary information.
You can either:
- Fill out the form in the clinic when you arrive,
- or Download the PDF form, fill it out and bring to your visit.
We look forward to meeting you.